UKH is my first larger scale full stack CRUD Application. Users can create an account, add posts about their favourite plants, care tips and where to purchase them from. Other users can then comment on these posts leaving a score. It is meant as a hub for houseplant loving enthusiasts.
I started this project without much of an idea of what it would be about, adding little by little. But after a week of work I had made things to verbose that I had to scrap the project and start afresh.
When restarting, I planned out on paper all my project features, and had a clear Design structure for both the back-end API & database management, and created a coherent front-end design. This project has taught me the importance of planning out the structure of a site, in order to evaluate it's purpose, and establish the needs of users with a written set of requirement.
UKH had previously been hosted via Heroku's Free Tier Platform, which has since been removed. Therefore the project is no longer available, however source code is still available via the link in the description.